Office Address

Kuleshwor, Naya Basti (Close to Police Bit) Kathmandu, Nepal

Phone Number

+977 1 5372080

Email Address



Location:  Nepal is a landlocked country situated in South Asia, between China and India

Area:   147,516 sq km

Boundary:  2,926 km

Land:  Arable: 15%, Irrigated:28%

Climate: Cool summers and severe winters in north to sub-tropical summers and mild weather in south

Time: 5 hours 45 minutes ahead of GMT


Total: 29,164,578 (census 2078)

Growth Rate:  0.93% (2022)

Structure: Male:14,253,551 (48.87%) Female: 14,911,027 (51.13%)

Life Expectancy: Male: 71.66 yrs Female: 73.17 yrs, Average life expectancy 72.4 yrs.

Religion: Hindu: 80.62% Buddhist: 10.74% Muslim: 4.20% Other: 4.44%

Literacy:76.3% Male:83.6%, Female: 69.4%


Form: Federal Democratic Republic (Parliamentary Democracy)

Head of State: President

Head of Govt: Prime Minister

Administrative Div.: Development Provinces:  7, Administrative Districts: 77

Capital: Katmandu



Unit of Currency: Rupee (1 US dollar = 132 Rupees)

Labour Force: Agriculture:80% Manufacturing:3% Services:17%